Texhnolyze Wiki
Texhnolyze Wiki
Kanji Name 伽ノ
Kana Name かの
Age Unknown
Affiliation Class
First Appearance ROGUE: 13 Vista
Final Appearance ROGUE: 22 Myth
Voiced by Kajiro Tanaka (Japanese)
Freddy Douglas (English)

Kano is a fictional character from the Texhnolyze anime series. He is the current leader of the Class society that tries to take over the town and put everyone in Texhnolyzed bodies. He is born from generations of selective inbreeding. After Yoshii's rampage, Kano descends onto the city with his army of full-bodied cyborgs called Shapes to reshape Lux according to his own ideology.



He is very intelligent, charismatic and eloquent. Kano despises the other members of the Class for their stagnant attitudes. He seems to really want to be believed and understood by others, and genuinely try to appeal to people with their rants. Kano uses the chaos to wipe out the remnants of Lux and replace them with his "perfect" Shapes, essentially bringing about a world of apathy. Kano drives the entire city of Lux to madness, reflecting the inner state of his mind. It can be said that Kano is a delusional solipsist with severe homicidal tendencies who won't entertain the idea that human beings are anything other than playthings produced by his mind. Also, he believes that Lux itself is a reflection of his mind, and that humans are puppets or homunculi eroding it. A possible explanation for this may be the fact that he's the result of generations of selective inbreeding, designed to create the perfect ruler. He would qualify for some kind of self-appointed god, except that he doesn't believe that he's god, he believes that he is reality itself.

Kano's voice always stays flat and emotionless, which just adds to his creepy nature. Kano's politeness and formal manner of speaking contrasts with his abominable actions and only emphasizes how insane he really is. He keeps to the shadows throughout much of the second arc, largely working through his proxies in Lux. He turned out to be a kind of genius and, in spite of the fact that he dies, actually accomplishes his mission despite all the efforts of the main characters. Normally, his decapitation would be a cause for celebration, but the fact that it happens after the damage has been done makes it a hollow victory at best.

He is very cheeky and cruel. Kano received Oonishi's legs as a gift and either got bored of them or found some other reason to be rid of them, effectively squandering Oonishi's sacrifice. And of course, he gloats to Oonishi about it when they meet face to face. Also, Kano essentially views his army as lab rats at best or disposable soldiers at worst. When conversing with Oonishi or Kohakura, Kano is very formal and polite. But unlike Yoshii, it's not genuine, as he makes it clear by the end that he views anyone who isn't him as a figment of his imagination, barely worth respecting in any way.

Like Oonishi, he's a Texhnolyzed human being who has risen to the top of the hierarchy of the society he lives in, and like Doc, he is trying to expand the limits of Texhnolyzation, but whereas Oonishi acts as a stabilising influence on the Organo, Kano drives the already fairly twisted Class to insane extremes, and unlike Doc, who seems to see Texhnolyzation as a support for men, Kano is looking to use the process to replace men with machines as much as possible.





  • One theory among fandom holds that Kano is telling the truth when he claims that Lux exists only within his mind.

