Texhnolyze Wiki
Texhnolyze Wiki
Ken Inui
Ken inui profile
Kanji Name 乾 健
Kana Name いぬい けん
Age 34
Affiliation Lux, Salvation Alliance
First Appearance ROGUE: 04 Synapse
Final Appearance ROGUE: 22 Myth
Voiced by Seiji Sasaki (Japanese)
Taliesin Jaffe (English)

Ken Inui is a fictional character from the Texhnolyze anime series.




At some point, the Salvation Alliance falls victim to the phenomenon common to all the factions of Lux, with sixty of its members leaving them to join Kano’s army of Shapes. Amongst these is Kimata’s right-hand man, Ken Inui, who tells him that the reason they are leaving is “due to ideological evolution”, after having the opportunity to “encounter a greater being who is capable of realizing our ideals in a more evolved form”. He also informs Kimata that he has known about his Texhnolyzed left arm for a long time (confirming the rumours hinted at by Oonishi in episode 3). Kimata tries to defend himself, arguing that it was because of this that he was able to “grasp the evils of Texhnolyzation”. But Kimata’s second-in-command calls him “pathetic” for being unable to preach the ideals of the Union without hiding the truth of his arm.



