Texhnolyze Wiki
Texhnolyze Wiki
Air date (Japanese) May 14th, 2003
Air date (English) February 14th, 2007
Writer Shin Yoshida
Director Kazuhiro Ozawa
Episode guide
ROGUE: 04 Synapse
ROGUE: 06 Repetition

LOITER is the fifth episode of the Texhnolyze anime series.

Title Definition[]

LOITER – v, 1: to delay an activity with aimless idle stops and pauses; 2: a: to remain in an area for no obvious reason b: to lag behind.


In the midst of the partying at the Racan headquarters, Kazuho Yoshii drinks alone at the bar, and then goes out to be by himself. Shinji soon joins him. While there they see Hal and Yoko, Shinji's girlfriend, kissing. Shinji only says that Yoko, like all Racan members, is free and is a Racan member by free will. Yoshii says that Shinji, and his freedom, belong to Lux.

A worried Doc calls Keigo Oonishi, as Ichise has not been found yet. Meanwhile, Ichise is wandering the streets of Lux, having much trouble with his new arm and leg. Ran watches him from behind. He gets into a kitchen and eats whatever he finds there. Eventually he is found and thrown out.

Ichise moves on, Ran still watching. He is found in an alley by Organo agents in a car. The Organo men corner him. Ichise tries to fight back, but his texhnolyzed parts do not cooperate, and he gets clobbered. When they finish, Ichise finds that the man who chopped his arm off is in the car. He charges to him, but the bodyguards give him a final punch and render him unconscious. He is then thrown into the sewer, as ordered by the man in the car. He would die wandering the labyrinthine sewers.

When Ichise comes to, he wanders the sewers. Poor Ichise reaches the exit, only to find it barred. Ran sees him angrily pounding at the bars. Ichise faints for a while. When he comes to, he finds himself just outside the bars, and Ran holding a metal saw (she helped him out). Lying near it, at the end of his strength, Ran strokes his head, calls him a good boy, and leaves a few of her flowers.
