Texhnolyze Wiki
Texhnolyze Wiki
Kanji Name N/A
Kana Name シンジ
Age 22
Affiliation Racan, Lux
First Appearance ROGUE: 02 Forfeiture
Final Appearance ROGUE: 22 Myth
Voiced by Shinya Kitade (Japanese)
Jason Miller (English)
We don’t belong to anyone or anything.

Shinji is a fictional character from the Texhnolyze anime series. He is the leader of Racan, a group of young, city thugs and outsiders. At the very beginning, his main life goal seems to be simply "freedom".



Shinji is usually a very balanced and carefree person with a calm and confident tone of voice. But there are situations in which he can get angry and even go as far to do a brutal actions. However, he shows some promise as the Racan leader, because he does not resort to violence unnecessarily and is capable of sensing the members' concerns about himself and about the group's future. Not seemingly knowing exactly what to do, however, he leads a "take-it-easy life".

Shinji values "freedom" more than anything, and because of that, he does not restrict his girlfriend Yooko's actions, so much to the extent that he appears indifferent to her. He even allows her for close physical contact with his best friend Hal. Later, however, it turns out that Shinji was probably never so interested in Yooko at all when he manages to invite Michiko Hirota to a "date". Shinji clearly shows her more interest than he ever shown to his own girlfriend, completely ignoring that Yooko makes it clear that she really cares about Shinji and is upset to see him bring Michiko to Racan's headquarters without any restraint.

But Shinji, who makes "freedom" his life's principle, also has a longing to become part of the privileged group called the Class. It seems that what he truly wants in his life is not something he can get by remaining where he is. It is clearly shown that Shinji wants more in his life and to be more "important" than he is. Even Michiko Hirota says Shinji would like to be like Oonishi. She probably means both that Oonishi is in a close relationship with her and that Oonishi is someone "more important" than Shinji is. He also doesn't like it when someone takes pity on him, as if he felt this condescending treatment him. Since Shinji wants to be more important person, it is obvious that he is annoyed when he feels that someone is looking down on him. It can be seen in the scene when he gets mad at Yooko, who tries to comfort him after Racan falls apart. His behaviour looks as if he definitely rejected her empathic concern, wanting to make it clear that he is sufficient to deal with the problems alone and does not need any support. Shinji has a lot of frustrations, but he definitely prefers to smoke a cigarette with an indifferent face expression without showing his real emotions. Perhaps his "belief" that freedom is the most important value in life and being the leader of a streetwalkers group, is from the very beginning only a form of replacing his true ambitions, which he does not manage to fulfil.

It can be said that paradoxically Shinji isn't free. In truth, he belongs to the city of Lux. Shinji dreamed of the hill and being accepted by the Class, but by the end he realizes his mistake. In the later episodes, everything in his life is starting to collapse. Shinji can do nothing as the Racan fall apart, and his best friend Hal betrays him because of a love triangle (between Shinji, Hal and Yooko) that Shinji was unbelievably oblivious about. After killing Hal, he goes on a rampage against the Class, hysterically furious that the people he looked up to and wanted to be a part of had been reduced to inbred hermits who willingly damned Lux for Kano's amusement. His final act is to gun down what is presumably the people keeping the Class together, before being shot in the back by one of the remaining survivors, Zushi.




